Thursday, October 19, 2006

Live from a hick town in Wisconsin...

These five pictures are from our daytrip to Redgranite WI on Sunday. These REALLY SCARY kids are outside of an ice cream joint in Wautoma called Milty Wilty. Personally I think these kids are enough of a reason to NOT eat there...a few years back when a tornado hit Wautoma, trees were felled everywhere but these kids survived. Even Mother Nature is scared of them.
This and the next picture are from the prison outside of Redgranite. Don't worry, you don't have to tell me twice.
If this is the amount of barbed wire on a minimum security prison, I'd hate to see the amount of barbed wire on a maximum security prison!
This wayside is the ONLY thing between Redgranite and Wautoma...I know, classy.
These snowmen are out all year round. Talk about weird.