Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bunny cakes!

Here are the bunny cakes that I made for Easter. Yes, I made them (almost) by myself. I did all the decorating (except the pink frosting in the ears, my mommy did that), and I made the chocolate cake batter (but my mommy had to make the white cake batter, because it required separating an egg, and who wants to do that!?!?!). Then I also turned the remaining white and chocolate batter into a marble cake. I'm just so talented, I amaze myself. Heehee.

Cas Bowling Fun!

The following are pictures from our teams bowling night. Everyone in the department was invited, so there were quite a few of us, plus dates. It was good times all around.
This picture is fairly pointless, except that there is Jerrod in the stripes, Dave (my supervisor)'s head, and some random arm (maybe Jon, another sup).
Mary doing her dance of joy at getting, um, I don't know. Probably a strike.
That's another random group shot. The chick with the white tank top is BW (butt-wipe), formerly known as Stacy. Stacy and I had a one-sided carpool to work for the last nine weeks...
This is me & Andy. Note how I am trying not to look at the camera. That is because Spits is taking the picture (see Spits below). Kind of creepy. But anyway.
That would be Spits McGee. Don't ask.
This picture cracks me up because Mary looks like she's dancing on a bar and about to fall off, but really, it's just a step.
Random people...Courtney (green), Megan (black), Kathy (white), Mary (pink).

Huhwhat? No, I don't think Kathy knows what she's making the face at either. Marie is on the far right, Jack is in the blue shirt, Craig in the red, and Andy with his arms up in the air.

This is Megan and Kathy. I think that may have been the Corona beer with which Megan tried to win a prize with in the Budweiser, she didn't win any prizes.

This is Kattie, one of the team leads. Great picture, huh?? I'm sure she'd be thrilled if she knew it was on the internet. Heehee.