Saturday, February 11, 2006


Here's my parents obnoxious Nermal-esque kitten named Izzy. She tries to get into just about everything, randomly attacks invisible things, carpets and your leg. She also enjoys long walks on the beach and meeting other kittens on the Internet...
This is a rare moment between Izzy (left) and our other, older cat, Mouse. Mouse just absolutely LOVES Izzy (do you sense sarcasm?)...because who wouldn't love a little shrimp who comes into your house, chases after you and attempts multiple chomps on your jugular???
I think that's one of the first days that my parents had Izzy. Damn was that cat TINY! Note the proportions of my cat in comparison to my sister's purse. about watching your step!
This is my baby the day we had to put her down. *sniffle sniffle, tear...*
Luckily, my dad thought to take the picture so you can only see the left side of her face, rather than the huge ass tumor growing on the right side of her mouth.
I still miss my Bear....:(

And now for a virtual tour...

The following are a number of pictures that were taken on the day I moved into my apartment! Yay for growing up! Yay for an apartment.....
btw, mins is the upper window on the left side....
And now, presenting: Lauren's Apartment!
*insert applause here*
And ladies and gentlemen, this is the door.
The dining area...not so much dining is done is here as the table (seen previously in the living room) is now in the dining room, and is consequently covered in stuff. Not food stuff either, mind you. So much for the dining room.
This is me in my living room on moving day. Pretty much everything in the room has now been moved to a different location in the room...the table is in the dining room area, the papasan is behind the couches, there's a couch and a loveseat, the TV isn't on the entertainment center because that was too high up, the entertainment center isn't in that corner any more because of the Christmas tree (see below)...and yes, I know it's february. And my tree is still up. Maybe I should get heart ornaments because it's almost Valentines day, and then I can delay the taking down of the Christmas tree even longer...
Aww, my tree is so cute. Too bad it's February....
Ta-da! The master bedroom. It's not messy yet, but it also doesn't have my down comforter on the bed either. It's also a lot bigger than it looks...and I have two closets! TWO! And they're just for me! The bedroom looks much more lived in now, obviously, as this was moving day....
This is my bathroom. Real intresting. It's much more messy now. And that's about all.
This is my car port...really interesting, right? I know. That's me in my car - the little silver Mazda. I'm giving my parents a jump start right now, because we took the the minivan along with my car and the moving van, and the minivan hadn't been used since approximately May 15...or better known as graduation day. Yeah, it was struggling. I think that was the third jump we gave it over the course of moving weekend...