Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Pictures galore!! Gotta love bowling...or not bowling, as the case was!

Mary, Courtney and myself...don't know what's going on. Yay drinking (note the smirnoff in my hands)! (and I wasn't the youngest! I wasn't the youngest!!!)
Like I said, hats were big...Katie, Courtney & Megan.
There's Katie, Courtney & Kathy...I don't know what the deal is with the hat...oh, hats were so big on Friday....
That's Mary in her snotty scarf...and me looking stupid behind her. Oh, how I hate when people take pictures without warning.

This is us being retarded on the dance floor in front of the karaoke stuff. That's the back of my head. 'Cause I know that's super interesting.
So, behind the group is a guy with a packers sweatshirt on, and next to him is a short chick (not me, thanks!). Okay, so the funny thing is that Andy was like "that chick looks like a total slut!" and I was like, okay, uhh whatever. Apparently, she's my apartment manager...whoops!
(she's actually really nice. besides, a lot of people look slutty when they dance. heehee)

Okay, this is actually the whole group at the bowling alley last week. We didn't do any bowling 'cause they didn't reserve us any lanes. But who cares?? I stink at bowling, so it just made things better....
Front: Erin, Megan
Middle: Stacy, Fawn, Katie, me!!
Back: Kathy, Mary, Courtney & Stacie

The first round!!!

So, picture number one...that's part of the group. From the left: Courtney, Katie, Kathy, Megan, Mary, Stacie and Erin.